Nick Walsh Ambassador

I'm Nick Walsh, a professional graphic recorder and multidisciplinary creative director. I use the power of visual storytelling—through live scribing, illustration, animation, and film to capture complex ideas, energize conversations, and help organizations communicate with clarity and impact.

I use words and images to capture the discussions and presentations at meetings, presentations, conferences, and strategy sessions in real-time. This live, visual synthesis of key takeaways brings real energy and focus to the room, encouraging engagement and creating a memorable record of the event.

Clients include industry leaders such as Unicef, Toyota, Vodacom, PWC, Accenture, De Beers, UNDP, and many more. I've helped these organizations increase audience engagement and improve communication of complex concepts.

I live in Johannesburg and service clients across the African continent, the USA, and Europe.

Why do I choose Neuland® markers?

At last, a marker designed with careful thought and an absolute consideration for the artist. No more ink-stained fingers and carpet stains in conference centres and board rooms.

Neuland® has a genius clean refill system with their trademarked RefillOne inks in a great range of colours. I love the options and the variety of nibs and markers the brand offers.

My favourite marker is the aptly named 'BIGONE’. The chunky chisel nib is perfect for broad graphic outlines and colour fills. A variety of narrower nibs and smaller-size markers take care of more delicate detailing and typography. It's all there!

Why have I chosen to be a Neuland® Ambassador for Drawn In?

I have been working as a graphic recorder for a few years now and have struggled with inferior inks and markers. I think it's only fair to spread the word and show the improvement Neuland has given my work.

I am also building a small team of young talent through job shadowing and mentoring. I love my work and have found a perfect niche for my illustrating

Contact Nick

Mobile: +27 82 5760521


Take a look at the early bird discounts for: Bikablo® Visual Facilitation live, online workshop, in-person Bikablo® Visual Process Mapping , in-person Bikablo® Visual Storytelling , and in-person Training from the BACK of the Room